Monday, April 29, 2013

Practice Facility Aerification

The practice range and the chipping green will be aerified today. They will be closed until 10 a.m., the golf course will closed until noon.  This week the staff will be hydroseeding all the tree work and haul roads from construction.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Heavy frost this morning. Course will be close until noon for critical course maintenance. The range will open at 10. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fairway Aerification

Fairway aerification will be completed by the end of today. All the fairways have been aerified and will be topdressed with sand. The topdressing will hopefully be finished tomorrow.  The greens are almost healed in from last week aerification.  Next week we will begin our practice facilities.

Monday, April 8, 2013


The front 9 greens are being aerfied today.  We will complete the back nine tomorrow. We anticipate a full course opening on Wednesday. I am looking forward to seeing everyone back out on the course.