Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

The Grounds Management Department would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year! We will see everyone in 2012!!

Gas Tap

The gas company has made the connection for gas service to both buildings. This will allow us to temporally heat the building in order to finish pouring concrete on the second level and begin the drywall. The plumbing and electric will begin next week.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Framing is almost complete on all levels of the GMC. Drywall will begin after the 1st of the year.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

GMC Floor

On Friday, the floor or slab for the GMC building was poured. The crews worked all day and into the evening to get the slab poured and leveled out. An estimated 14 concrete truck loads was needed. The floor takes a few days to set up before framing can begin.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Temporary Greens

The course is switching over to temporary greens for the season with forecasted cold weather and possible snow on the horizon. The greens will be roped off for the season and we will be installing covers on several greens this winter. The covers aid in protection from the winter elements. All of our topdressing and plant protectants were completed last week.

2nd Level

Inside the 2ND level or mezzanine is being installed. the rafters will run along to make up the equipment storage portion of the GMC. The other two upper levels will be completed out of wood and at a later date. Also, the roof is completed on the GMC with the hopes of pouring the slab this week.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Drainage

With all of this warm weather still around, the staff was able to complete more drainage work this past week. These warmer days along with no snow have made course cleanup and projects go smoothly. This will also gives us a leg up in the spring.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Electrical Conduit

The electrical and communication works is taking place. All of these conduits will provide power, telephone, and data to the two buildings. There will be several trenches to various locations; we are hopeful to be completed this week.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Coming Together

The roof over the administration building is completed and the sheeting along the sides has started. There are many subs on site including plumbers, electricians, masons, site and steel workers. The construction site is a busy place! Progress is moving along nicely with the entire site close to finish grade.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Irrigation Blowout

The irrigation system is being blown-out this week. The process usually takes about two days to complete. This is accomplished with an air compressor hooked up to the irrigation system pumping in a large volume of air. The goal is to remove most of the water in the lines so any remaining water has room to expand. A good job now means less headaches in the spring time.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Metal sheets and insulation for the roof.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

EMC Roof Installation

The roof trusses for the EMC building are being set by a crane this morning. The roof should be completed in a few days. Once the roof is completed the inner working of the building can begin which include electrical and plumbing work.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Taking Shape

The steel is being erected and begin to take shape on the GMC building. The roof will be installed next week.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Frost is a common occurance this time of year. Essentially frost is dew that has frozen and crystallized on the outside of the plant. It is important not to walk or ride on turf that has a frost because it will cause the plant to break and the cell wall to rupture. The grass blades
are similar to egg shells when frost occurs and can break apart from the slightest pressure. Although not instantly apparent within 1 to 2 days the plant leaves will turn black and leave an unsightly footprint or tire track.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Water Main

The water main is being installed through the member's parking lot. The picture shows the new line (black) traveling through the lot under the electric lines. The water main has to be installed below the frost line around 5 feet in depth. The site contractor should be to the new building by week's end.

Monday, October 24, 2011

GMC Building Update

The steel for the Grounds Management Center is being erected today. The crane is on-site for the week to complete the process. Once all the columns and rafters are set; the metal sheeting can be installed. Check back later in the week for an update photo....the construction site changes daily!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fuel Tank Arrives

The gas tank(s) arrived on site this morning and will be set today. The tank weight close to 15 tons and has to be installed by a crane. The picture to the left depicts this. The tank was installed without issue.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


The GMC building foundation is being backfilled today. The contractor will begin to erect the steel building tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Building Arrives

The steel for the GMC building arrived on site this morning. Pictured is one of the four tractor trailer loads consisting of steel beams and other components. The crane will beginning setting the steel in place. The process should take a few weeks to complete.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Utility Installation

The water and gas main lines are beginning installed this week. The trench will begin near the island in the center of the clubhouse parking lot and travel through the main parking lot. The trench will be done in stages to allow access to the clubhouse and lots. Hopefully, the trench should be completed by week's end.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

EMC Floor Installed

The floor for the wash / fuel bays is being poured today. These two bays required over 30 yards of concrete which is equivalent to over 3 cement trucks. The floor takes only a few hours to set up and within a week it reaches most of its strength. The masonry block for the EMC building is almost complete.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Great Weekend on the Course

I hope all of you got to enjoy the beautiful and rare hot weather over this past weekend. Temps on Sunday hit 89 degrees....not to bad for October! The course is playing great and I hope to see many of you out there!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Floor Sumps

The floor sumps for the wash/chemical/fuel recycling system have been installed. The floor will be compacted and prepped for concrete today. The floor should be poured toward the end of this week.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Yesterday the staff fixed and added drainage to the edge of 17 fairway and rough. The new drain should help collect any surface water and move it away from the fairway. The area will be graded and prepped for sod.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Construction Update

The foundation for the GMC building (left) is being constructed and should be completed by next week. The EMC building interior walls are being erected and the exterior block will begin toward the end of the week. We are hopeful to have the floor poured (weather permitting) sometime late next week.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Fairway topdressing continues today and should be wrapped up this week. The last few fairways remaining are completed and the staff is going over the wetter, low-lying fairways again. The sand has incorporated nicely into the turf canopy.

Friday, September 23, 2011

EMC Foundation

The foundation for the EMC building has been back filled. The next step in installing the interior masonry block located in the upper right of the photo. The block will be installed next week.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thanksgiving already?

One of our many species of wildlife on the course....turkeys. There favorite spots to hang-out are usually on the 3rd and 4th holes. As a Virginia Tech graduate, these guys always make me smile.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fairway Topdressing

Fairways are being aerated and topdressed this week. Below is our new fairway topdressor on the 2nd fairway. The goal is to put down close to 20 tons / Acre of sand on the fairways. This process will improve drainage, firm up the surface, and help reduce those pesky earthworms. I am hopeful with good weather to be completed this week.

Friday, September 16, 2011

1st Cut

Greens were cut for the first time since aeration. The holes are closing nicely and with a few more days of warm weather; they should be healed in shortly. The process of mowing involves using are older, duller mowers until the sand is worked in enough to allow for the regular greens mowers.


Much of the fescue throughout the course has been cut back for the fall. This gives us an opportunity to treat these areas as needed for weeds and unwanted grasses. It also makes leaf and debris cleanup easier in the fall and spring.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Greens and approaches have been aerified and topdressed this week. I am hopeful with good weather, proper water and fertility, the hole shsould close in a few weeks. We have begun the process of aerifying the tees; with completion early next week. Fairway aerification will begin on Monday and should take a few days to complete. The fairways will be topdressed this season.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Grounds Management Center

Construction is moving along for the new Grounds Management Center (GMC). Foundations for the Environmental Center has been poured and the GMC scheduled to be completed next week.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Grounds Management Center Construction Begins

The trees at the Grounds Management Center site are being removed. Clearing should take a few days to complete. The excavating will begin next week.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wildlife on Course

I am sure many of you have seen one or two of these guys around the property. The common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) pictured to the left can be found lying on our pond edges from time to time. They differ from their cousins the alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) from their shell and head structure. This creature is one of many vast, and numerous wildlife species we are fortunate to have here at Concord.

Course Update

As of yesterday, all of the greens, tees, approaches, and fairways (1-13) have been aerified and topdressed. The last few fairways couldn't get completed because of the wet, rainy weather last Monday and Tuesday. We hope to have those holes completed in the next week. Many of the greens have already begun to heal and with the continued warm weather they should be back to normal in another week or two.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Aerification Update

The putting green and the front 9 greens have been aerified, topdressed, and brushed in. They are open for play. The back 9 greens have been aerfied and cleaned off. Due to the rain today we couldn't start topdressing. With rain in the forecast for tomorrow, I am hopeful to finish on Thursday. Tees will begin this week and last into next week; fairways will start on Monday.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The warmer weather is on the way! All the turf has been mowed several times already and the course is beginning to shape up. Aerification on greens will begin on Monday. Nine holes will be closed each day in order for the process to go smoothly. I am hopeful with good weather next week the process should take a few days to complete.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Golf Course Opening

With the warmer temps forecasted for the next few days the golf course is opening today. Over the next few days the staff will begin the business of mowing grass and raking bunkers. I hope all of you enjoyed your winter and I look forward to seeing many of you out there!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stump Grinding

Stump grinding has begun today and should be completed by weeks end. After the grindings are removed; soil will be added and the stump holes will be seeded or sodded depending on their location.

Ice Damage

With the snow finally disappearing form the course we are finally beginning to see the effects of the long winter. This is a picture of ice damage on the 4th green; caused by excessive moisture and constant freezing and thawing. There are smaller areas similar to this on several greens but the damage is not as extensive. These areas will be seeded and fertilized in order to establish new grass and hopefully aid in recovery.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grounds Management Department Page

Welcome to the Grounds Management Department at Concord Country Club. Here you will be able to obtain information about course conditions, projects and the staff. Our goal is to provide a place where members and guests can find answers to many common questions about the golf course and keep up to date on course happenings. Please check back frequently as we will continue to post updates throughout the season.