Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

The Grounds Management Department would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year! We will see everyone in 2012!!

Gas Tap

The gas company has made the connection for gas service to both buildings. This will allow us to temporally heat the building in order to finish pouring concrete on the second level and begin the drywall. The plumbing and electric will begin next week.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Framing is almost complete on all levels of the GMC. Drywall will begin after the 1st of the year.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

GMC Floor

On Friday, the floor or slab for the GMC building was poured. The crews worked all day and into the evening to get the slab poured and leveled out. An estimated 14 concrete truck loads was needed. The floor takes a few days to set up before framing can begin.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Temporary Greens

The course is switching over to temporary greens for the season with forecasted cold weather and possible snow on the horizon. The greens will be roped off for the season and we will be installing covers on several greens this winter. The covers aid in protection from the winter elements. All of our topdressing and plant protectants were completed last week.

2nd Level

Inside the 2ND level or mezzanine is being installed. the rafters will run along to make up the equipment storage portion of the GMC. The other two upper levels will be completed out of wood and at a later date. Also, the roof is completed on the GMC with the hopes of pouring the slab this week.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Drainage

With all of this warm weather still around, the staff was able to complete more drainage work this past week. These warmer days along with no snow have made course cleanup and projects go smoothly. This will also gives us a leg up in the spring.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Electrical Conduit

The electrical and communication works is taking place. All of these conduits will provide power, telephone, and data to the two buildings. There will be several trenches to various locations; we are hopeful to be completed this week.