Friday, October 28, 2011


Frost is a common occurance this time of year. Essentially frost is dew that has frozen and crystallized on the outside of the plant. It is important not to walk or ride on turf that has a frost because it will cause the plant to break and the cell wall to rupture. The grass blades
are similar to egg shells when frost occurs and can break apart from the slightest pressure. Although not instantly apparent within 1 to 2 days the plant leaves will turn black and leave an unsightly footprint or tire track.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Water Main

The water main is being installed through the member's parking lot. The picture shows the new line (black) traveling through the lot under the electric lines. The water main has to be installed below the frost line around 5 feet in depth. The site contractor should be to the new building by week's end.

Monday, October 24, 2011

GMC Building Update

The steel for the Grounds Management Center is being erected today. The crane is on-site for the week to complete the process. Once all the columns and rafters are set; the metal sheeting can be installed. Check back later in the week for an update photo....the construction site changes daily!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fuel Tank Arrives

The gas tank(s) arrived on site this morning and will be set today. The tank weight close to 15 tons and has to be installed by a crane. The picture to the left depicts this. The tank was installed without issue.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


The GMC building foundation is being backfilled today. The contractor will begin to erect the steel building tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Building Arrives

The steel for the GMC building arrived on site this morning. Pictured is one of the four tractor trailer loads consisting of steel beams and other components. The crane will beginning setting the steel in place. The process should take a few weeks to complete.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Utility Installation

The water and gas main lines are beginning installed this week. The trench will begin near the island in the center of the clubhouse parking lot and travel through the main parking lot. The trench will be done in stages to allow access to the clubhouse and lots. Hopefully, the trench should be completed by week's end.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

EMC Floor Installed

The floor for the wash / fuel bays is being poured today. These two bays required over 30 yards of concrete which is equivalent to over 3 cement trucks. The floor takes only a few hours to set up and within a week it reaches most of its strength. The masonry block for the EMC building is almost complete.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Great Weekend on the Course

I hope all of you got to enjoy the beautiful and rare hot weather over this past weekend. Temps on Sunday hit 89 degrees....not to bad for October! The course is playing great and I hope to see many of you out there!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Floor Sumps

The floor sumps for the wash/chemical/fuel recycling system have been installed. The floor will be compacted and prepped for concrete today. The floor should be poured toward the end of this week.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Yesterday the staff fixed and added drainage to the edge of 17 fairway and rough. The new drain should help collect any surface water and move it away from the fairway. The area will be graded and prepped for sod.