Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Entrance Project - Main Line

During the reconstruction of the front entrance of the club we have had to relocate part of our irrigation system in order to accommodate the new design.  The mainline of the irrigation previously ran along the edge of the 9th tee and behind the 8th green.  Our staff cut and capped the mainline earlier this winter and now that the construction crew has prepared the site we were able to relocate the mainline.  The new section of mainline will run in the same general area, only further away from the green expansion and new tee complex.  

Friday, January 1, 2016

Entrance Project Progress

The main entrance of the property looks very different as contractors have finished tree removal and began site work including moving soil, re-grading slopes and installing drainage.  The project is in full swing as we await the demolition of the entrance house.